Natural person data

Name and Surname*
If the natural person is underaged

Contact details

Not all fields are mandatory. Only fill out the fields for the chosen communication channel. It’s enough to fill out those which will ensure the unequivocal recognition of the person and the data required to contact that person.

Representative of the data subject:

Do you act as a representative on behalf of the data subject?*
If "Yes", please indicate if you are a parent, guardian, trustee or authorized representative
Name and surname of the representative
Additional data to identify the representative:
Няма избран файл
Качването на файлове не може да работи на някои мобилни устройства.
Please attach evidence that you are legally authorized to receive this information. For example, a certified power of attorney, a certificate of appointment of a guardian, etc.

Personal data request type

Take a look at the descriptions of the personal data request types and mark those which are applicable for you.
When describing the request, please include as detailed information as possible. In case of lack of information, your request might be rejected.
Declaration for data validity*